About Kaye

Kaye is a dedicated Yoga and Mindfulness Coach who believes in the power of personal growth and the journey towards a balanced, fulfilling life. With a warm smile and a compassionate approach, Kaye integrates her diverse training in yoga, sound healing, mindfulness, and life coaching to help others cultivate their own practices that nurture the mind, body, and spirit.

Her journey began with a pivotal moment of realization: life had become a series of obligations, leaving little room for joy or inspiration. Determined to break free from the cycle of self-sacrifice and fear, Kaye embarked on a path of self-love, mindfulness, and healing. She embraced various modalities and practices that resonated deeply with her, eventually evolving into a coach and teacher who guides others in their personal journeys.

Now, Kaye offers a unique blend of yoga, sound healing, and mindfulness practices tailored to each individual’s needs. Whether through guided meditations, restorative yoga sessions, or mindfulness workshops, Kaye helps her clients reconnect with themselves, find balance, and build practices that uplift and inspire. She believes that it’s never too late to explore new paths, and that even the smallest spark can ignite meaningful change.

If you feel like you’ve been putting others first for too long, or if you’re ready to step into a life that is more aligned with your true self, Kaye is here to guide you on a journey towards harmony and self-discovery.