Scents & Sound: CLARITY
Before you can even begin any task, you need to get clear with what you want the end goal would be. To be able to get motivated on anything, you need to be able to see what you're getting out of it. In order to stay strong and persevere in any endeavor, you need to be clear about the reasons you're doing it in the first place. 

For 2022, we start with CLARITY. We begin 2022 with reconnecting with what we truly want for ourselves. Not the physical, superficial, and fleeting things, but the ones that endure. 

Scents & Sound: A Chakra Based Sound Bath Series will help you get clear, dig deep, and uncover the dream behind the dream. Find support and a safe space with supportive individuals who value self-care, healthy boundaries, and hearty laughter.

Sign up for one session or if you want to get the compounded benefits of the series, join the whole series.

super early bird ends on December 15, 2021
early bird ends on December 25, 2021
regular & group of 3 end on January 05, 2022