Scents & Sound: A Chakra Based Sound Bath Series
What is it?

Scents & Sound is not your ordinary sound bath series. You don't just log in and leave feeling relaxed, It is an educational and experiential retreat that you get to share with a safe and supportive community. It's your safe space within your home, a place to rediscover who you are and remember your core self.

What can I expect from it?

A loving and supportive community. Be surrounded by unique and inspiring individuals who take the time to fill their cup and focus on what matters, all the while extending their support to each other. Expect to be in good company whenever you're here.

An understanding of Scents & Sound. In this series, you will get to learn about Sound Healing, its effect on the human body and the Chakras, and the special impact of combining this practice with the use of essential oils. Each week has a theme and further discussion is made of the focus chakra and supporting essential oil.

With this series, you will have a new-found appreciation for your 2 passive senses—the sense of smell and the sense of hearingand in time, this opens you to self-awareness, acceptance, and healing.  

How long is this series?

The series runs for 9 weeks, with live online sessions every Friday. The interval between the live online sessions allow you to rest and experience the activations during each session. 

There is an Opening Session and a Grounding Session included for series participants. And 7 Fridays focused on each of the Chakras for both series and session participants.

We have 4 series runs for 2022 with the following schedules:

Time zone is GMT+8


Click on each photo for more information.

Can I join just 1 session?

YES, you can join individual sessions except for the Opening and Grounding Sessions. These are exclusive to series participants.

Joining the whole series not only allows you the 2 extra sessions, but it will mean experiencing the collective and compounding effect of each individual session on your psyche, and allows for the continuation of your growth. 

What happens in the 7 main (Chakra) sessions?

The 7 sessions include the following focus & themes:
(1) Root Chakra: Embody
(2) Sacral Chakra: Energize
(3) Solar Plexus Chakra: Empower
(4) Heart Chakra: Embrace
(5) Throat Chakra: Express
(6) Third Eye Chakra: Envision
(7) Crown Chakra: Evolve

During the live online sessions, we use hand-beaten Tibetan Singing Bowls combined with essential oils. While a different chakra is activated in each session, all Chakras are still cleansed and supported by the individual sessions. 

Live Online Session Overview
(1) Check-in with Oracle card draws
(2) Centering & intention setting w/ Chakra oil blend
(3) Scents & Sound Bath
(4) Circle share & debriefing 

The Scents & Sound Bath portion is recorded so that in case you missed it, you can go back to it at your own time.

Click the photo schedules above for more information or to sign up. 


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