Tried and Tested Workout Bundle

Tried and Tested Workout Bundle
I think it's about time to share what I primarily use whenever I'm in workout or active mode. I've just been lazy about documenting it even though I won't stop talking if you get me started about it. 

So with a strong whiff of Peppermint EO, here we go. I'll just keep it simple so that I'd get ahead of my overcomplicating and perfectionist tendencies. 

tried and tested WORKOUT BUNDLE

"OIL" you need to have for your workout and physical activities.

  1. Copaiba EO
  2. Deep Relief Roll-on
  3. Purification and Thieves EO
  4. Lemon & Peppermint EO
  5. Lavender EO
  6. NingXia Red
  7. Sulfurzyme

Okay, so obviously these are all Young Living products because these are what I use EO-wise. You're always welcome to use any other brand that you trust. I'd also love for you to comment what you're using as an alternative to the above. No judgment!

So here's how I would use all of these. Be sure to do your own research and look up the specific benefits of each EO. What I'm sharing is how I'm using them based on my needs and based how my mind-body-spirit react to these products. It's always possible that your experience will be different that mine and some of my reasons for using them don't always match what you'll read on the internet.


Definitely my emergency EO. I keep it handy for when I need to apply it to my joints and weak areas. I usually catch myself using this on my wrists, shoulders, and lower back. 

This also doubles as a grounding and calming EO for me as it is sourced and usually comes in resin form from the copaiba tree.

Deep Relief Roll-on

Always my go-to for anything "muscle". It's cooling, soothing, and just pretty much easy to use without needing to think about dilution, mixing, blending, etc. 

If I'm not blending my usual Yoga Blends, I'll reach for this one for starting and ending my Yoga practice. You start feeling its cooling sensations as you build up sweat. You also get a sense of relief after your workout especially when you apply it on the areas that you've work on for that day. 

An extra drop of Copaiba will also work wonders.

Purification and Thieves

These I use usually in tandem. If I'm going to workout in a public space and share equipment, I'd already have taken a whiff of Thieves blend and would have applied it to the soles of my feet. 

Similarly, I use Purification to help with my nose sensitivity. You wouldn't want to smell any unwanted smells in the gym so I have one in a DIY spray that I can use in dressing rooms, on some workout mats, etc. 

Both Purification and Thieves in a spray make me feel like I can workout safely in public spaces. 

If you ever want to use this though on some gym equipment, make sure to dilute them enough. Some people may not like their strong scent so be mindful of other people's gym experiences, too. 

Lemon and Peppermint EOs

A blend of these I have for 2 reasons: (1) when I feel sluggish and need a pick me up; and (2) when I just want to smell/feel fresh and not annoy anyone with a sensitive nose. 

This as a spray or as a perfume works well enough. 

Some reminders though if you're going to make your own:
  • Put less Lemon EO if you'll mostly be working out under the sun;
  • Add more Peppermint EO if you want more cooling sensation but avoid applying too much on super sensitive skin.
Some tweaks I like with this would be:
  • Adding some Lavender to spray solution if I know I'll be needing some skin soothing remedies;
  • Adding some Purification if I'll be working out in a park or where there's a risk of insects biting me.

Lavender EO

I don't usually like the smell of Lavender. Unlike what the internet and most people would say, it really doesn't help calm me. I actually find my heart beating a little bit faster and find myself a little restless when I smell Lavender EO on its own. 

So instead, I use it as support to my other oily items. I also have this as an emergency EO. Much as Copaiba is my emergency for joints and weak areas of my body, Lavender is my skin emergency. I apply it undiluted to surfaces that need it. A plus also is that when I smell it from the bottle, any tension I feel in my head tends to dissipate quickly enough. 

NingXia Red and Sulfurzyme

These 2 are support supplements that I have on stock. NingXia Red is my alternative to any energy drinks that's filled with sugar. It's essentially wolfberry / goji berry infused with citrus EOs. 

Sulfurzyme has in it components that help support my joints. It's also good for nail health and hair health. With a bit of Rosemary EO or rosemary infused shampoos, you'd be seeing more baby hair than you remember in your life. 

So yeah, this is my tried and tested workout bundle, Young Living edition. 

Try any or all of these and see what they can do for you. Comment any questions you have on EOs or Young Living or and it'll be my pleasure to answer them. 
