Practice Mindfulness With Me

If you ended up on this post, chances are, you're already on the path of exploring and are looking for the one or ones that feel just right and perfect for the kind of life that you're living and the kind of life you are creating for yourself. 

In practice and in most of my sessions, I combine these mindfulness practices in a manner that I find most helpful, comprehensive, and transformative. And while they're not always mentioned or showcased, my intention is to give you the opportunity to explore different paths to self-awareness, healing, and personal growth, so that you may ultimately walk your path toward a more balanced and harmonious life. 

So let me give you an overview of all of the mindfulness modalities that I have to offer so that you  may explore them for yourself, as well. 


Practical Tips to Make the Most Out of Your Sound Bath Experience

I've been holding Sound Bath sessions in person and online for almost 5 years now and while I've explained it to my participants, I haven't taken the time to write about it here.

So let me tell you about it in a nutshell. 


Sound Bath is a style of facilitating a sound healing session that is soothing and welcoming to most beginners to sound healing. 

A sound bath is a therapeutic practice that utilizes the power of sound vibrations to promote relaxation, reduce stress, and foster a sense of balance. Imagine lying down or sitting in a comfortable position while an array of enchanting instruments, such as singing bowls, gongs, and chimes, envelop you in a soothing symphony of sound. This immersive experience allows you to escape the cacophony of everyday life and dive into a world of auditory bliss.

Mantras & Mudras: A Sound Meditation Workshop

Mantras & Mudras: A Sound Meditation Workshop
At this time, when the world is vastly changing in the most unsettling ways and situations are now more unpredictable than ever, the need to reestablish “control” and “normalcy” becomes all the more important. Where this “control” and “normalcy” can be found is not something external, but something that we redefine within ourselves. But how do we go about it?

The best and surefire way for this is having a grounding practice that you can do at your own pace and in the comfort of your own home. Developing such a practice takes time and effort but it will surely help balance you and keep you healthily functioning throughout the days.

There are many resources out there that you can check to get you started. But if you're looking for an interactive workshop that can get you started on a grounding as well as healing practice, I offer you Mantras & Mudras

What is it?

Mantras & Mudras is a sound meditation workshop where you get to learn and experience the uplifting power of mantras (words of power) and the grounding energy of a mudras (grounding hand gestures), and you get to explore creating a sound meditation practice for yourself. 

Taking this workshop is a great way for you to get comfortable and confident in your meditative space, that internal space where the healing, grounding, balancing, and harmonizing happens. 

At the end of the workshop, not only will you be equipped with a sound meditation practice that you can adapt to your needs but you’ll also gain confidence and a sense of presence when meditating on your own and with a group of people. 

No need to wonder if you're doing it right! Instead, you get to focus on what matters... immersion in the present moment, quieting the mind to connect with the Soul, and getting back the "ground" that so far seemed to shake under your feet. 

I offer this workshop to share with you what I’ve learned in my years of developing my own grounding practice. This is not the whole thing, but it’s a great stepping stone that I’m sharing with you, so that your own grounding and healing practice can blossom.

What can I expect from it?

In this workshop, I will share with you why mantras and mudras are powerful. You will have a working knowledge of its history and evolution, its main purpose and benefits, and how they are intended to be practiced.

Since this workshop is a complement to our chakra based sound bath series, Scents & Sound, I will share with you the mantras & mudras to cleanse, ground, and harmonize the 7 major energy centers in the body called chakras. You'll also learn the the set sequence of what makes a session of Scents & Sound magical.

As a BONUS, you will get to learn and practice standalone and complementary mantras & mudras you can use depending on your needs.

How long is the workshop?

This workshop runs for 3 Saturday afternoons, from 3pm to 5pm (GMT+8). See the current schedule below. The interval in between allows you to practice what you learned on your own and we recap the next time we meet. 

Day 1: Mantras
Traditional to Contemporary
Getting Started with a Mantra Practice
Chakra Mantras + Bonus Mantras
Practice Session

Day 2: Mudras
Traditional to Contemporary
Getting Started with the Mudras
Chakra Mudras + Bonus Mudras
Practice Session

Day 3: Integration
Putting It All Together
Practice Reminders
Practice Session
Further Exploration
Next Steps

Your Tools: Printable Workbook (PDF) | Mala Bracelet by Made by KCA | Sound Meditation Guide (mp3)

Who is this for?

This is for you if…

…you’re new to meditation and don’t know where to start.

…you’re looking to expand on your own meditative practice.

…you can’t get a handle on the traditional seated and silent meditations and are looking for something that can truly get you focused, present, and grounded.

…you have benefited greatly from receiving and attending sound healing sessions but would like to go further to develop your own practice for yourself.

…you’re struggling to express your truth and looking for a way to release what is blocking your true expression.

…you’re a healer or you practice other healing modalities and are looking to add more to your learning and practice.

How much is it?

I’d like to have this workshop accessible to most people so we’re using the pay what you can model with the lowest range just covers the production cost and cost of materials and not the labor that goes with it. The highest price point allows for opening up additional slots in the next run for those who need financial assistance to join this workshop. And as a token of gratitude, you get a one-time 10% discount on any of the listed HEALING services of Guided Spreads. Click HERE to see the list.

I am only keeping each workshop small, just 7-9 individuals so that we can all closely help each other out in the practice. So don't forget to sign up as soon as you can to reserve your slot!

About your Facilitator

Kaye Tamayao is a multifaceted individual with many passions. Presently, she shares these passions in the form of exploration workshops, self-care retreats, mindfulness practices, and 1:1 guiding sessions. In this Mantras & Mudras workshop, she comes to you as a Yoga Teacher, Sound Healer, & Mindfulness Coach sharing learnings from her trainings to you so that you can create your own mindfulness and healing practice through the power of your voice and movement. 

Follow us on our social media accounts.
Kaye Tamayao @guidedspreads [Instagram | Facebook]
KC Aganda @madebykca [Instagram | Facebook]

Scents & Sound: Weekend Sound Bath Series

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Scents & Sound: A Chakra Based Sound Bath Series

Scents & Sound: A Chakra Based Sound Bath Series
What is it?

Scents & Sound is not your ordinary sound bath series. You don't just log in and leave feeling relaxed, It is an educational and experiential retreat that you get to share with a safe and supportive community. It's your safe space within your home, a place to rediscover who you are and remember your core self. A space where you get to be uplifted and get to uplift others. 

What can I expect from it?

In this series, you will get to learn about Sound Healing, its effect on the human body and the Chakras, and the special impact of combining this practice with the use of essential oils. Each week has a theme and further discussion is made of the focus chakra and supporting essential oil.

With this series, you will have a new-found appreciation for your 2 passive senses—the sense of smell and the sense of hearingand in time, this opens you to self-awareness, acceptance, and healing.  

How long is this series?

The series runs for 7 weeks, with live online sessions every Friday. The interval between the live online sessions allow you to rest and experience the activations during each session. 

We have 4 series runs for 2021 with the following schedules:

Time zone is GMT+8


Click on each photo for more information.

Can I join just 1 session?

For 2021, you can still join individual sessions. However, joining the whole series will mean experiencing this collective and compounding effect of each individual session on your psyche, and allows for the continuation of your growth.

What happens in these 7 sessions?

The 7 sessions include the following focus & themes:
(1) Root Chakra: Embody
(2) Sacral Chakra: Energize
(3) Solar Plexus Chakra: Empower
(4) Heart Chakra: Embrace
(5) Throat Chakra: Express
(6) Third Eye Chakra: Envision
(7) Crown Chakra: Evolve

During the live online sessions, we use hand-beaten Tibetan Singing Bowls combined with essential oils. While a different chakra is activated in each session, all Chakras are still cleansed and supported by the individual sessions. 

Live Online Session Overview
(1) Check-in with Oracle card draws
(2) Centering & intention setting w/ Chakra oil blend
(3) Sound Bath
(4) Circle share & debriefing 

The Sound Bath portion is recorded so that in case you missed it, you can go back to it at your own time.

Click the photo schedules above for more information or to sign up.