MBS for Strength | Energy Reading for April 2022

MBS for Strength | Energy Reading for April 2022
This month's energy reading is brought in part by Scents & Sound: A Chakra Based Sound Bath Series with the theme of STRENGTH and driven by the fire of Aries and Mars. 

Energies from these two mean a hard head and quick temper. Add this to the fact that where I am (Philippines), April marks the dry and hot season, and you can just imagine the kind of "sparks" that will arise when two heads butt each other. 

Allowing this fire to control you won't paint a nice picture. If you just take a few moments to ground and center, then you'll be able to respond (not react) mindfully (not mindlessly) to whatever situation fires you up. 

So the intention behind this reading is in helping tap into your STRENGTHS (mind-body-spirit) so that you may effectively harness and direct this fire. 

Mind-Body-Spirit Energy Reading for April 2022 (Strength) 

MIND | Strength

Mind over matter is the name of the game for this month. Aim for an open mind and resilient thought process that does away with unnecessary, distracting, and destructive thoughts. 

Overthinking and negative self-talk cannot help the situation. So if you tend to overthink, be critical about yourself, and blow worries out of proportion, catch yourself immediately and ground your escalating energy. 

Let the "heat" cool down a bit and assess your situation coolly to avoid unnecessary strife at this time. Don't get dragged into the heat of the moment.

Try taking a step back and count down from 10. Better yet, take a walk to sweat the pent up energy out. (For a full guide on these exercises plus a couple more, get my Mindful Practice Guide) 

BODY | 8 of Wands

Heat and movement also builds up in the body so find a healthy outlet for this. Even your thought processes can add on or subtract from this heat so it's best to know beforehand where you can "deposit" the excess energy. 

Don't let the energy stay pent up inside you especially if you're in a tropical location. Plan ahead and schedule even just 5 minutes of mindful movement to get your body moving. That's more than enough to ground your energy and stay mindful throughout the day. 

Suggested forms of mindful movement would be: 
  • practicing yoga (except Restorative Yoga);
  • dancing (pick just 1 instrument from the song that you'd be dancing to); and
  • walking under the sun or with your feet in water (pay attention to the sensations you're getting and don't get caught up in your thoughts).
(Would you like a FREE audio/video guide to any of the mindful movement practices suggested above? Let me know in the comments.)

SPIRIT | Ace of Cups

Supporting the resiliency of the mind is the unlimited supply of insight and creativity that your Spirit has for you. If methods to calm the mind at this time isn't working, think and ask yourself: What would I rather do at this time? 

If you have the time, indulge in a short daydream. If you have the tools, go ahead and make a sketch of it. If you can drop everything now, go ahead and just do it! 

The Ace of Cups in this space in essence invites you to allow your Spirit to give you that much needed cleansing, like pouring that water from the cup to cool you down. 

If you can't indulge in a daydream, sketching, or doing it at all, take a sip of water and really relish the feeling as the water swishes in your mouths, flows down your throat, and hits your stomach. 

An additional message from this card is to surround yourself with a different kind of energy by striking up a conversation with a stranger or just smiling. These are ways for you to break any spirals triggered by the heated energy during this month and possibly complicated by any current relationships you have.. 

BRIDGE | Mother of Wands (R)

Practically each card in the Mind, Body, and Spirit spaces already provide an avenue to support each other and you can also stop at that and stop scrolling.

But to understand what connects these energies, the Bridge Card asks you to tune in and reflect on whether this excess heat is radiating from something that you will later on be giving birth to (literally or figuratively). 

The heat in it's positive sense, is a way of purging and cleansing unwanted energies and at the same time providing that needed warmth to keep the fire and drive going. Intuitively, you may know that it's not yet time to put your creation out to the world and you're awaiting that divine timing. 

So for now, as this remains hidden, anything that your subconscious may consider as a threat to your "babies" can cause you to overthink, lash out, and even sever any potential connections for the sake of protection. And the heat, in this sense, manifests in a negative way. 

But now that you know and have come to an awareness of this, you are now better positioned to plan ahead. 

(Would you like more of these readings? Let me know in the comments.)

Featured Tarot Deck:
The Wild Unknown Tarot (get it on Amazon)

Guided Spreads Promo:
Book a Reading Consultation with this deck and get a FREE 15-minute breakthrough session with me.
Use the code: "wildunknown" in the space provided.
(A breakthrough session is a short coaching session to help you shed light on what's keeping you from owning your strength and from taking the steps to living the life you desire.)

This is a general energy reading aimed at helping you develop mindfulness wherever you are in your journey. Nothing is set in stone. Take what resonates with you and take control of your life. If you'd like to have a more in-depth reading with me, book a session with me. Here's my Menu of Services

Tarot & Oracle: Monthly Reading for April 2021

Basically, 3 Tarot cards are drawn with each card corresponding to the Mental, Physical, and Spiritual constitution of the person. Then a 4th card, an Oracle card, is drawn to link all 3 Tarot cards together.

The intention of the monthly reading is more to set a theme to anchor your month around. This is not meant to predict the future but to give light to any recurring issues you may be facing. Think of it as a way of shifting your focus if a change in perspective is what you need.