For a long time, I’ve been drawing cards to set a theme, shift focus, or even just to receive a message I need to hear for the day.

In practice, I do this whenever I feel the need to. I don't set any defined rules for myself except to trust my intuition and the messages that flow. Most times, I keep a journal close by to record whatever comes up.

It is a wonderful practice to have and not unlike the daily prompts you may be receiving from some of your productivity or mindfulness apps.

So I thought to share a bit of this practice with you. It’s also an externalization of what I’m internally working on with myself, something I’m also dedicating to our second quarter run of Scents & Sound: A Chakra Based Sound Bath Series with the theme SHINE.

With this in mind, expect a monthly reading post every first Thursday of the month.

Spread Overview

I'm using a modified version of the Mind-Body-Spirit Spread. This is not anything new and it's all over the internet.
Basically, 3 Tarot cards are drawn with each card corresponding to the Mental, Physical, and Spiritual constitution of the person. Then a 4th card, an Oracle card, is drawn to link all 3 Tarot cards together.

The intention of the monthly reading is more to set a theme to anchor your month around. This is not meant to predict the future but to give light to any recurring issues you may be facing. Think of it as a way of shifting your focus if a change in perspective is what you need.

As I go through each card, consider the writings as guidance for you. Stick with what resonates with you. 

You can also practice listening to your own intuition by looking at each card and sensing their message to you. In this practice, you don’t need any expertise or certificate. My invitation to you is to just look at the cards and observe where your intuition takes you.
TIP: Close your eyes for a bit. Take 3 to 5 full breaths and then look at the cards. 

PRO TIP: Take a whiff of your favorite essential oil (Frankincense + Rosemary to start) before you start.

April 2021 Monthly Reading

MIND – Knight of Cups

Take it in one sip at a time. 

It will not do your mind any good if you let yourself be overwhelmed by all the information buzzing around. This especially applies when you tend act more based on your emotions. Take it one sip at a time.
It’s difficult when you find yourself in a position where you have to know everything. It’s impossible! But sometimes, you feel like you have to. It's understandable... to feel that way... but it can get overwhelming.

So go back to the message, give yourself (your mind!) some peace by taking it one sip at a time. 

Is this need to know everything self-imposed or externally imposed? What can you do to overcome it? If there is one step you can do to break away from this burden, what would it be?

BODY – The Moon

If you haven’t been paying attention to your body’s needs lately, you may start to feel the consequences this time around. Have you been eating well? Are you getting enough sleep and rest? Have you been moving enough to give your body the exercise it needs and not just sitting or lounging all day?

I’m sensing the word “INDULGENCE” and the need to ask you about the excesses you’re allowing yourself to indulge in.
Think about it for a minute.

And on the flip side, if you’ve been putting in the effort to care for your body, you may start to see the results soon, if you’re not yet seeing it already.

SPIRIT – 2 of Wands

It’s time to let someone in.
If you’ve managed to keep people at bay for whatever reason, it may be time to start inviting them in once more. It would be both for your benefit and others. 

At this time when we are expected to socially distance from one another, real, non-physical connections are what’s going to get us through.
The world is too big a burden for you to carry on your own. And even if it means you’re letting others share in your suffering, you’re also carrying some of the weight that they are carrying, too. Sometimes, you're better equipped to help others with their burden than with your own (and vice versa). You wouldn't know if you don't let them in.

RED: Forgive

All throughout April, the invitation for you is to practice forgiveness... primarily towards yourself and secondarily towards.

Allow yourself the space to make mistakes, to feel overwhelmed, and to accept that as much as you desire to, you can’t know everything and that’s ok.
Forgive yourself for the times you glossed over your mistakes, denied being overwhelmed, and pretended to know things when you really don’t. And forgive others (and yourself) for making you feel that you need to live up to these “expectations”.

Forgive yourself for indulging in excesses. If you were unaware before, now you know. Having taken a sip from the cup of awareness, it’s up to you to make the change.
Sometimes, we indulge in these excesses as a way of punishing ourselves, knowingly or unknowingly. If this is the case with you, take a few minutes to sit with yourself in silence. Sense the “cry for help” that is behind the "punishment" and work from that. (I have a playlist of 
3-5 minute Sound Meditations you can use to support you as you do this.)

TIP: When you end this meditation, place one hand to your chest (near your heart) and the other hand to your abdomen (just below your navel). You don’t need to do anything else except to breathe until you feel that you’re ready to fully close it.

PRO TIP: Take a whiff of a floral scented essential oil and massage some onto your palms before placing them to your heart and abdomen.

Finally, forgive yourself and others for having put up walls as high and as thick as you did. That’s alright. You may just be protecting yourself or you may just be protecting others from yourself. We’re all going through our own paths the best way we can.

But bit by bit, allow others to come in. 

You may even take the bold step of peeking over their walls just to let them know they’re not alone.

Forgiveness gives one the grace to move. Be it forward or backward, forgiveness gets you unstuck from wherever you are.
For this April, practice forgiveness in the way that is a step above your comfort zone. To anchor this practice, let the color RED be your daily sign to practice forgiveness. It can be as simple as saying sorry or placing a hand to your heart and abdomen. If you would like to give it your time and energy, you can write a letter to someone who has deeply hurt you (you don’t need to send it) and end it with “I forgive you”.

Whatever it is, let April be a month for Forgiveness. 

Deepen your Practice with Scents & Sound

There is something powerful that happens when you combine a mindful practice (such as a forgiveness practice) with essential oils (scents) and sound healing (sound). 

What you need:
  • Forgiveness oil blend or an essential oil with floral scent profile
  • Play 1-3 Sound Meditation from this playlist or a soothing one from your own playlist 
Choose whether you'd like to lie down or sit upright. You'll only need 3-10 minutes. 

Start with the Forgiveness oil blend or your choice of essential oil. Apply it in the palm of your hands and breathe the scent deeply into you. 

Let the playlist sound in the background (using earphones may be better). 

Whether your seated or lying down, place one hand to the heart area and the other to the abdomen. Allow time for the molecules of the oil blend to travel in your body as you breathe in stillness.

When you're ready, draw your attention to your third eye chakra (the space between your eyebrows). Visualize the word "forgiveness" or sense its energy forming in that space. On your next few breaths, let this word or energy flow through you. 

There are many ways to "stay" in this practice but just allow whatever comes up, whatever the energy of forgiveness gives you. Falling asleep may be one of them and that's ok. 

As you end (and you'll know when it is time to end), bring your palms together with the thumbs resting to your heart. Bow down to your fingertips with a silent "thank you". 

You may do this practice for April and/or whenever you see the color RED. Throughout the rest of your day, you may also apply a dab of Forgiveness oil blend to the space between your nose and upper lip as a gentle reminder of the practice.

Would you like to deepen your practice further? Join our upcoming online retreat series ~ Scents & Sound: A Chakra Based Sound Bath Series. It's the weekly retreat you never knew you needed. Learn a bit more about the Chakras, Sound Healing, and working energetically with essential oils. Meet weekly with the group for an online scents & sound healing and oracle card draws.  Connect deeply with yourself and develop that relationship you've been meaning to build with yourself or with others. This space is for you to find grounding, peace, and healing. 

Click HERE to know more about the upcoming series this April ~ SHINE.


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