Have you ever wondered what sound bath really is and/or what it is for?

I've been holding Sound Bath sessions in person and online for almost 5 years now and while I've explained it to my participants, I haven't taken the time to write about it here.

So let me tell you about it in a nutshell. 


Sound Bath is a style of facilitating a sound healing session that is soothing and welcoming to most beginners to sound healing. 

A sound bath is a therapeutic practice that utilizes the power of sound vibrations to promote relaxation, reduce stress, and foster a sense of balance. Imagine lying down or sitting in a comfortable position while an array of enchanting instruments, such as singing bowls, gongs, and chimes, envelop you in a soothing symphony of sound. This immersive experience allows you to escape the cacophony of everyday life and dive into a world of auditory bliss.

As sound healing is, as the name suggests, healing using sound, sound healers or sound bath facilitators employ one or several instruments to do this. I, for one, am partial to Tibetan/Himalayan singing bowls and this is the instrument that I particularly use in my sessions. You may find others use gongs (Kundalini yoga teachers use this), crystal singing bowls, drums, voice (yes, even voice), and others more.

I invite you to explore and discover the kind of sound healing instrument that works for you.


The effects of sound baths extend far beyond the auditory realm. Research suggests that sound therapy can activate the parasympathetic nervous system, leading to reduced stress and anxiety levels. The gentle vibrations can lull your brain into alpha and theta states, akin to deep meditation, fostering a profound sense of relaxation and introspection. As you bask in the resonant frequencies, your mind and body synchronize, creating a harmonious state of well-being.

In my sound healing training and supplemented by my Yoga and Reiki practice, the different notes of the singing bowls resonate with the 7 major energy centers (or chakras) in the body. And by striking and letting each bowl sing, it works to bring the particular chakra into balance, from inactivity to being energized. 

If you're new to the concept of energy centers or chakras, I'll be sharing a post about them. But TL;DR, you have 7 major chakras that may be energetically felt along your spine to the top of your head. These are considered part of your subtle energy body. When one is blocked, underactive, or overactive, it can result in physical, emotional, and mental imbalances or symptoms. Depending on the chakra affected, the area in your body it's connected to (like reproductive organs, heart & lungs, etc.) and the aspect of your life that it energetically governs (like creativity, relationships, etc.) may be positively or negatively affected by the state and health of your chakra. 


If it's your first time joining a sound bath session, here are a few tips to make the most of your experience.

Have an open mindsetApproach the session with curiosity, an open mind, and a willingness to experience the effects of the sounds without any preconceived notions.
Set up your spaceFind a cozy spot—whether lying down on a yoga mat or seated on a cushion—that lets you unwind and fully embrace the experience. You can set the mood with some lighting, essential oils, and what-not. Just make sure that this time is yours and you will not be disturbed.

Set an intentionBefore the session, set a positive intention for what you hope to achieve or experience. This can help you connect more deeply with the healing vibrations. Some participants craft their intention as questions seeking for guidance and insight during their sound bath experience.

Practice Breath AwarenessBring awareness to your breath. Deep, slow breathing can enhance the relaxation response and help you to fully engage and connect with the sound vibrations. This is also a good way to ground yourself away from distractions by always going back to the breath.

Be presentBeing present in the moment is one of the starting points of mindfulness. Let the vibrations wash over you and allow yourself to become fully immersed in the experience, noticing sensations and even some thoughts without getting stuck or attached to them but merely flowing from one to the next.

Go on a journey. If comfortable, you may find yourself seeing/visualizing images. These may be triggered by and resonate with the sounds you're hearing, amplifying the overall sense of the experience. The visualization may be guided by the facilitator, triggered by the sounds, and/or may be a prelude to the insight you're seeking. 

Release and Let GoExpectations is the bane of an immersive experience. When you catch yourself resisting and "judging" a certain sound or sensation, try to explore that resistance and judgment instead. Additionally, breathe and let yourself just be so you may allow the sounds and your breath gently carry you and wash away such resistance and judgment. 

Do a Post-Session Reflection. After the session, take a few moments to reflect on how you feel. You may even compare your present state to your state before the session started. Journaling your experiences can help you better understand the impact of the sound bath on your overall well-being. 

For most sessions held by mindful Sound Healers and facilitators, you will be introduced and guided in practicing and experiencing the above things. If not, just take note of the above tips so that you don't leave the session feeling lost and wondering "what the heck" it was that you signed up for. 

If at all, don't hesitate to ask questions. It's your experience after all. 


Come and experience you first/next sound bath session with me by booking a spot in my regular sessions, Wednesdays at 8pm (GMT+8). These are all done live, online, and via Zoom. 

Expect to be introduced to a welcoming group of regular attendees and be guided checking-in, setting intention, and having a message/visual card to anchor your intention. I guide everyone into a short meditation before proceeding with the Sound Bath and we end with a short sharing and a card to close.

Just click HERE to book your next session or leave a message if you wish to purchase a package. 

If there's any takeaway I'd like you to have, it's this: there is no right or wrong way to experience a sound bath session. Each individual's journey is unique, and the sounds will resonate differently with each person. So, whether you find yourself drifting into a meditative state or simply relishing in the soothing melodies, know that your experience is valid and valuable.

In a world that often demands constant engagement, sound baths provide a serene refuge for self-care and renewal. Through the harmonious blend of sound and intention, these sessions guide us toward a deeper connection with our inner selves.

I hope to see you in our next sound bath session! 

~ Kaye


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