Reading Consultation
This is the most common reading that you could go for regardless if you're new or a regular to having Tarot/Oracle readings. If you already have a topic or question in mind and are seeking clarity or intuitive guidance on it through a reading, then this is the right one for you. 

This generally makes use of a Tarot or Oracle deck (your choice) and the spread (the number of cards and their placements) depends on what you're consulting on. 

You also get to ask 5 follow up questions based on the reading. Additional cards may be drawn where necessary.
Duration: 45 minutes
Rate: 850PHP (21.25USD) 
MOP: GCash or PayPal or Bank Transfer
Platform: Zoom 
Click HERE to schedule your appointment.


How many questions can I ask?
  • You get to ask 1 main question or inquire about 1 main topic. After that, you have 5 follow-up questions based on what has come up in the reading itself. Additional cards may be drawn where necessary.
  • If you have several questions on different topics, you can avail the 1-Hour Unlimited, instead.
What if my follow-up question is on a different topic?
  • Then that is not a follow-up question. ^_^ If you know that you have questions that are unrelated to the topic you're inquiring about, you can avail the 1-Hour Unlimited, instead.
Can I ask about the year ahead?
  • This is best addressed by our Yearly Outlook reading. We recommend getting the 2-in-1 Reading, too, in case you have a specific question in mind and would like to see it pan out in the next 12 months. 
What if I don't know what to ask?
  • Don't worry, I will help you formulate the question based on the situation you're inquiring about.
What if I don't want to tell you my question?
  • If it's because the question is very sensitive to you, then you can just tell me an overview or the theme of what you are inquiring about. Examples would be "love life", "career", "family", "this project I'm looking into", "money", "a problem with health".
  • If it's because you just don't want to tell me because you want me to be able to guess your question and answer it for you, I'm sorry but you're looking for the wrong Tarot/Oracle Consultant. ^_^ Let's not waste each other's time on this.
What if my question or topic is too broad? What if I ask the wrong question?
  • That is fine. We can work to make it more specific if you'd like. However, trust that the cards are able to pick-up your energy and address the more relevant concern that you have.
  • The question and topic you provide help guide the conversation or the reading along and make it structured. And even with the most specific or well-formulated question, sometimes the messages target what is beneath all that and that is what gives these readings depth and value.
When can I have another Reading Consultation?
  • If it is for the same topic, you may schedule another reading at least 2 weeks after the reading. 
  • If it is for a different topic, then you can schedule at the next available appointment date.


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