Sound Bath with Chakra Oils
Let the soothing, yet powerful, vibrations of hand-beaten Tibetan Singing Bowls wash over you and your loved ones in an acoustic bathing aimed for deep relaxation. Combine this with Chakra Oils and allow what is already relaxing in itself turn into an exploration of your psyche should your spiritual journey allow. 

This session leverages the passive yet powerful senses of hearing (audition) and smelling (olfaction) so that regardless of how hectic your day has been, this is a sure way for you to feel replenished and energized.

The combination of Chakra specific essential oil blends and Tibetan singing bowls work to bring to the surface concerns you need to address and help cleanse and purify your energy signature to one that best supports your highest good.

Each participant receives a 5ml Chakra oil blend of their choice that contains therapeutic grade essential oils (20%) and VCO (70%) as a carrier oil. These essential oils are a blend of the 3 powerful Chakra specific oils featured in our learning series Scents & Sound: A Chakra Based Sound Bath Series.

Session Overview:
  • Introductions
  • Opening Circle
  • Sound Bath
  • Closing Circle
  • Debriefing
Maximum Duration: 60 minutes
Rate: 3333PHP (84USD)* for 3 people
Additional: 1000PHP (25USD) per person
MOP: GCash or PayPal or Bank Transfer
Platform: Zoom

*This shipping fee for the Chakra Oils is separate and shouldered by the client.
Click HERE to schedule your appointment.


What is Sound Healing?
  • Sound Healing, as the name itself suggests, makes use of sound to trigger and bring about the healing process thereby improving one's health physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. It comes in many forms and delivered in different ways, depending on the instrument used and the level of participation required from the recipient.
What do you use to conduct Sound Healing?
  • My medium or instrument of choice are hand-beaten Tibetan Singing Bowls, 7 in total, each of which is attuned to each of the 7 major chakras (or energy centers) in the body.
Can Sound Healing be done from a distance and/or online?
  • Yes. While the quality of sound itself may be diminished due to some digital capabilities, this does not impact the quality of healing that is ultimately delivered to the recipient. 
What do I need to do during Sound Healing?
  • Generally, it is suggested that you find a quite place where you can lie down comfortably and won't be disturbed for the duration of time you're receiving Sound Healing. It is better to use earphones for this so that you can receive the most out of the sound of the singing bowls themselves.  Depending on your level of sensitivity, you may feel the vibrations wash over your body or even begin to sense energetically what you may otherwise physically experience with your 5 senses. At the very least, you may find yourself falling asleep and feeling relaxed, which is normal and perfectly alright. 
Can I have a recording of the Sound Healing session? 
  • Yes! The download link will be emailed to you within 72 hours from the end of your session. 
How do we know which Chakra Oil to use? 
  • Don't worry, I will guide you through the process of choosing the one that best supports you for this session.  
I would like to use my own oils, is that ok?  
  • Yes. However, please take note that depending on the quality of the oils you use, the whole experience may be not be as deep or effective compared to using the Chakra Oils. 
  • This option is also available if you live outside the Philippines.
Can we just have the Sound Healing without the Chakra Oils?  
  • Yes. But this is a different service so please book a regular private Sound Bath session here instead or you may want to join a regular group Sound Bath session here.
What happens during the Debriefing?
  • In most cases, participants feel "floaty" and somewhat disoriented at the end of this session, especially if their experience was especially deep. The Debriefing portion is meant to help ground you. This is also the time when you can share and ask about what you experienced during the whole session, as well as addressing any other questions you may have. You will also know when it is advisable to have this service or kind of session again.


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