Knowing that the highlight of 2022 shows us a picture of mental overwhelm, need for physical self-care, and spiritual myopia, here's what your chosen card, the JUDGEMENT card, has for you.


The thing that underlies the 2022 energy for is that of the external pressures and influences that you may be letting in to your life. 

The invitation for you is to LET GO of them and instead go within. The only influence that should be in your 2022 (and onwards actually) are those that align with your true desire and purpose. 

I know this isn't easy since we are social creatures but begin the practice of tuning in and recognizing your voice against the voice of others. 

Begin snipping away the unnecessary tasks and responsibilities that overwhelm you with mental stress, that eat away at your time best spent to nurture your body, and that blind you into believing that you need to do more for your desires to be fulfilled. 

You were born with a guidance system that will not lead you astray. That's your Soul, your higher consciousness. So please let not the judgement of others drown the voice that truly matters. 

A Pause for Mindfulness:
  • What external pressures are you allowing to dominate your life?
  • Are these aligned with your values and what you desire for yourself?
  • In what way can you release these external pressures or at least lessen their burden on you? What first step can you do RIGHT NOW to tell the Universe that you're ready to make this change for 2022? 
CLICK HERE to get your PDF copy of this Mind-Body-Spirit Energy Reading for 2022. 


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