Knowing that the highlight of 2022 shows us a picture of mental overwhelm, need for physical self-care, and spiritual myopia, here's what your chosen card, THE WHEEL card, has for you.

The Wheel
What underlies the energies of 2022 for you is the CONTROL... the need to stay on top of or know all there is to know about the things affecting you (and maybe even the people who matter to you). And this causes the strain in your mind, the neglect to your body, and the longing for "something" (freedom maybe?) that feels so far right now. 

THE WHEEL comes to you as an invitation to "share the wheel" and let go. TRUST. Let the Universe to sometimes take the wheel for you. You don't always need to be on top of everything or on top of your game. 

Let go and let flow. You'd be surprised that half or even a majority of the tasks you're juggling are unimportant and will resolve themselves out for you. The world will continue to turn and people will still be alright even if you take a rest or drop the ball. 

Take on a mindfulness practice that allows you to calm your mind and float in your thoughts without attachment. Make this practice also a physical one so you can nurture your physical needs at the same time. And dedicate this practice to opening your awareness to the answers to your prayers (because, as the cards have shown, your wish has already been fulfilled). 

Just an added reminder, when you let go of the wheel, align with the essence of TRUST and SURRENDER so that you don't become the backseat driver when it's the Universe's time to carry you on this journey. Instead, enjoy the ride and the scenery. 

A Pause for Mindfulness:
  • Do you have a mindfulness practice? Get my Mindful Practice Guide where I share with you 3 mindfulness tools you can do under 3 minutes. These are intended to calm the mind and help you relax your hand on the wheel. 
  • Join a movement and meditation class. Practice Yoga with me every Wednesday and Sunday mornings or join my group Sound Bath sessions every Wednesday evening. 
  • Try out this control release exercise. Play your favorite tunes and just stand in place. For opening and closing your hands to the rhythm of the music. Next shrug and relax your shoulders to the same rhythm. Then begin moving your hips this way and this. Alternate these 3 movements until the song ends. If your body wants to continue to the next song and/or wants to move a little bit more freely, let it. Other ways to move: shake vigorously, jump around, take big inhales and strong sighs out. 
CLICK HERE to get your PDF copy of this Mind-Body-Spirit Energy Reading for 2022. 


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