Knowing that the highlight of 2022 shows us a picture of mental overwhelm, need for physical self-care, and spiritual myopia, here's what your chosen card, THE WHEEL card, has for you.

The Empress (R)
The underlying energy that connects the energy of 2022 for you is in the way you are BIRTHING and NURTURING what you want to bring for into this world.

The invitation for you is to change up the way you usually do things, especially if you find that it's not be working for a while now.

If you feel like you "haven't done enough" back in 2021 and therefore "must do more" in 2022 because what you've been trying to manifest hasn't manifested yet, maybe you let go a bit of the reigns and let the Universe co-create with you. 

If you feel like you've been patient for a while now and yet nothing is happening (or the Universe has yet to "make a move"), maybe it's time to take a more direct approach. Make clear steps towards the direction you want to go as the Universe might need a bit more direction from you. 

These are just examples and not the only ways to change things up. Maybe it can come in the form of telling a trusted friend about your big vision so you get excited about it. Maybe it can also come in the form of having a short vacation somewhere as the answer may be in that place you've been meaning to go to. ETC. 

Just as there are many ways to birth a child (CS, normal, water birth, squatting, etc.), there are many ways to birth your big dream. So you're not stuck with the one that you've been doing if it's not working for a while now. 

Take charge of your birthing process. Trust your inner vision and guidance. 

A Pause for Mindfulness:
  • What's the big dream that you're birthing? Describe it as much as possible. 
  • Why are you birthing this? What emotional fulfillment are you intending to experience?
  • List down what you've done so far. What worked? What didn't? 
  • Do this mindfulness practice regularly: play soothing tunes and immerse yourself in feeling the emotional fulfillment you want to experience from having your big dream manifested.
  • Listen to gentle nudges from the Universe that guide you in the birthing process. Sometimes, the Universe can get very creative with you in what you can do. TRUST.
CLICK HERE to get your PDF copy of this Mind-Body-Spirit Energy Reading for 2022. 


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