I have, on occasion, been asked what styles of Yoga I teach, like, and love. While there are many styles out there worth exploring and knowing and I can definitely talk about them and compare each and every one of them based on my experience, I'll stick to the ones that I'm certified and trained in and where my current sessions are based off of: Hatha-Vinyasa Yoga and Restorative Yoga.

Combined, these contribute to a transformative and rejuvenating yoga experience. 

Gentle Flow Yoga stems from Hatha-Vinyasa Yoga and Rest & Restore stems from Restorative Yoga. With my current class offerings, I aim to provide my clients a well-rounded practice that nurtures mind, body, and spirit. 

Let's explore these two beautiful yoga styles and discover how they can benefit you on your wellness journey.

Hatha-Vinyasa Yoga

Hatha-Vinyasa Yoga is a dynamic and invigorating practice that merges the best of two worlds. It combines the precision and alignment of Hatha yoga with the fluidity and rhythmic movements of Vinyasa. My Gentle Flow Yoga sessions are based off of this style, are beginner friendly, and theme based to help make each practice meaningful. 

Experience the harmony between breath and movement, as you gracefully flow through sequences of poses. This style cultivates strength, flexibility, and balance, while encouraging mindfulness and presence on (and even off) the mat. 

Get ready to build heat, energize your body, and awaken your spirit through this empowering practice.

Restorative Yoga

In our fast-paced modern lives, finding moments of deep relaxation and restoration is crucial for overall well-being. This is the main purpose of my Rest & Restore sessions, applying the principles of Restorative Yoga combined with soothing sounds for a meditative and gentle practice that offers profound relaxation and healing. 

In Restorative Yoga, the focus on supported poses and longer holds, allowing the body to fully surrender and release tension. Through the use of props such as blankets, bolsters, and blocks, you will experience a deep sense of calm and restoration. 

This is perfect for reducing stress, enhancing flexibility, and promoting a peaceful state of mind. Experience a sense of calm and pure serenity in this practice.

What benefits can you get when you practice these styles?

1. Physical Well-being

Hatha-Vinyasa Yoga helps you build strength, increase flexibility, and improve balance while Restorative Yoga promotes deep relaxation, reduces muscle tension, and enhances flexibility.

2. Mind-Body Connection

Both styles cultivate mindfulness, encouraging you to be fully present on (and off) your mat and connect with your breath, body, and, thoughts.

3. Stress Relief

Hatha-Vinyasa Yoga's dynamic flow and Restorative Yoga's calming nature strikes a perfect balance and provides a holistic approach to managing stress, releasing tension, and finding inner peace.

4. Energy and Vitality 

Hatha-Vinyasa Yoga stimulates the body and mind, boosting energy levels and invigorating your spirit. Restorative Yoga replenishes your energy reserves, leaving you feeling refreshed and rejuvenated.

In as much as I won't pressure anyone to choose one style over another as I am an advocate of exploring, learning, and taking the ones that are applicable to your current needs, I can't help but say that there is a perfect balance between the energizing power of Hatha-Vinyasa and the nourishing tranquility of Restorative Yoga. 

Whether you seek strength and dynamism or relaxation and restoration, you can join my Gentle Flow Yoga and Rest & Restore sessions to cater to your needs. 

I'd love for you to step onto your mat and embark on a journey of self-discovery, holistic well-being, and inner harmony. 

Let's practice soon!


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