Go-To Yoga Blend Recipes

Go-To Yoga Blend Recipes
About 2 years ago I wrote this post sharing a Yoga Blend recipe. Since then, I've been doing a little bit of tweaking to suit my own needs and I guess it's just about time to share some of my go-to recipes now. 

I specifically use Young Living EOs for my recipes but you're definitely welcome to use other brands if that's more to your liking. No judgment here. ^_^

The recipes (3 total) are all for a 5ml roller bottle so you can just adjust the drops to your liking.

Your own Yoga Blend with just 3 Ingredients

Your own Yoga Blend with just 3 Ingredients
Here's an effective oil recipe that I aptly called my YOGA BLEND. This is what I massage on my students at the end of their practice and only requires 3 ingredients to make. Read on to know how else I use this blend.
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