Practice Yoga With Me

As an advocate of creating one's own personal practice and a student of yoga, you can expect me to have tried and practice varied styles of yoga and movement disciplines. My formal training as a yoga teacher, however, stems from the following: Hatha-Vinyasa Yoga, Restorative Yoga, and YOGABODY's Science of Stretching™ (for deep stretch sessions).

As these styles and disciplines offer unique paths to physical and mental well-being, let me describe them to you:

What is Deep Stretching?

Deep stretching refers to a form of stretching that involves holding a particular position, often involving a specific muscle group, for an extended period of time. Unlike dynamic stretching, where movements are more fluid and involve active muscle engagement, deep stretching is passive and focuses on relaxation and gradual lengthening of muscles and connective tissues.

This type of stretching is commonly associated with practices like yoga and Pilates, where poses are held for longer durations, typically ranging from 1 to 5 minutes or even longer. The goal of deep stretching is to encourage the muscles to relax and release tension, which in turn can lead to increased flexibility, improved range of motion, and reduced muscle stiffness.

Essential Investments for Beginner Yogis: Your Guide to Getting Started

Are you a beginner yogi looking to invest in the essentials? In this post, I share the 3 essentials (mat, clothes, props) for a starting out in a yoga practice and what you should consider when getting one. 

A quality yoga mat is a must-have for stability and support during your practice. When it comes to yoga clothing, prioritize comfortable and breathable options that allow for a full range of movement. And don't forget about yoga props! Props like blocks, straps, bolsters, and blankets aid in proper alignment and support building strength and flexibility. 

As you continue your practice, consider exploring additional props and deepening your understanding of yoga philosophy, alignment, and different styles. Invest in the right essentials and commit to your practice for a successful and fulfilling yoga journey. Happy yoga-ing!

The Harmony of Hatha-Vinyasa and the Serenity of Restorative Yoga

While there are many styles out there worth exploring and knowing and I can definitely talk about them and compare each and every one of them based on my experience, I'll stick to the ones that I'm certified and trained in and where my current sessions are based off of: Hatha-Vinyasa Yoga and Restorative Yoga.

Gentle Flow Yoga stems from Hatha-Vinyasa Yoga and Rest & Restore stems from Restorative Yoga.

Hatha-Vinyasa Yoga helps you build strength, increase flexibility, and improve balance while Restorative Yoga promotes deep relaxation, reduces muscle tension, and enhances flexibility.

Hatha-Vinyasa Yoga's dynamic flow and Restorative Yoga's calming nature strikes a perfect balance and provides a holistic approach to managing stress, releasing tension, and finding inner peace.

Tried and Tested Workout Bundle

Tried and Tested Workout Bundle
I think it's about time to share the Young Living items I primarily use whenever I'm in workout or active mode. These are items I've tried and tested to help me prepare, recover, and avoid any unnecessary discomfort.

I've just been lazy about documenting it even though I won't stop talking if you get me started about it. I'll just keep it simple with my personal tips and tricks but you're welcome to drop questions here and there if you have any. 

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