As the BLOOM series of Scents & Sound: A Chakra Based Sound Bath Series comes to a close, we are now opening our SHINE series.

We went "back to basics" and brought down our roots in 2020. In the beginning of 2021, our first quarter, we allowed the seeds of potential to grow and blossom. Now, and even if some of us may still be in the process of unfolding, let the nurturing warmth of summer fuel our drive to grow stronger and brighter.

This quarter's Scents & Sound: A Chakra Based Sound Bath Series not just celebrates the coming of summer but also acknowledges and honors the fireyour sun—that is shining within you. Each session symbolizes a ray of light radiating from your core, enveloping the earth, and igniting the light of inspiration in every person that you touch.

Our SHINE series is now open to attendees with the blessing of The High Priestess until March 15, 2021

Click the button below for more information & to sign up.


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