Past Life Healing (Akashic)
If you feel like there is a past life situation that is impacting your present life’s journey and hope to move forward and heal from it...

If you wish to review, release, and heal from any Soul Contract or Karmic Debt that you may have incurred in your past lives... 

...then taking a Past Life Healing session would be the service you need to be looking at. This session involves accessing and consulting your Akashic Records followed by a brief Reiki Healing for grounding. 

This service comes with a pre-session call via Zoom. The purpose of the pre-session call is to put us both on the same page with what you hope for in this session. This includes discussing what you need, answering your questions and concerns, and also helping you with formulating and finalizing your intention and questions for the session.

Additionally, in case a different service is a better fit, this will be determined during the pre-session call. The session can be also be customized when applicable and necessary.  

Session Overview:
  • Check-in
  • Akashic Records (accessing & consulting)
  • Reiki Healing
  • Guided Messages, Debriefing, Closing
Maximum Duration: 75 minutes
Rate: PHP3333 (84USD)
MOP: GCash or PayPal or Bank Transfer
Platform: Zoom
Click HERE to schedule your appointment. 


What are the Akashic Records?
  • It is an experiential body of knowledge that contains everything that every soul has ever thought, said, and done over the course of its existence, as well as its future possibilities. (Source: How to Read the Akashic Records, Linda Howe)
  • You can think of it as a library, of sorts, containing each Soul's journey—past, present, & futuredown to the last detail. 
How do I/we access and consult the Akashic Records?
  • The process of accessing and consulting the Akashic Records varies from person to person. Your way of accessing your Records may even be different from the way another person accesses and/or consults theirs. If you are having your Records accessed by another person, you inquire with them how they go about their process.
Can I access and/or consult my own Records?
  • Yes. The Akashic Records is not exclusive to any one person or group and it always available to each individual. You may have already been accessing your own Records without knowing it.
Can accessing and/or consulting the Akashic Records be done online?
  • Yes. The Akashic Records is said to exist in the etheric plane (Sanskrit word Akasha means ether or space) and that therefore it can be accessed where space exists. 
What do I need to do during this part of the session?
  • This will be discussed with you in detail during the pre-session call. But generally, this part of the session is where you ask you question, relay your concern, or state your intention and this with be addressed via consulting the Akashic Records. It is also suggested that you find a comfortable place where you will not be disturbed for the duration of the session.
What is Reiki? 
  • Reiki is a healing technique that originated in Japan, which uses spiritual energy to treat physical ailments without using pressure, manipulation, or massage. It is a holistic system for balancing, healing, and harmonizing all aspect of the person—body, mind, emotions, and spirit—and it can also be used to encourage personal and spiritual awareness and growth. (Source: Reiki For Life, Penelope Quest)
What does the work Reiki mean?
  • The Japanese word is often translated as "universal life-force energy". 
  • Rei means "sacred", "soul", or "spirit" and is understood as the "wisdom and knowledge of all the Universe". 
  • Ki is the life-force energy which flows through every living thing and which is present in some form in everything around us, even in rocks and inanimate objects. (Source: Reiki For Life, Penelope Quest) 
Can a Reiki treatment be done from a distance and/or online?
  • Yes. This is called Distant Reiki Healing and can be conducted effectively by Level II (or higher) Reiki practitioners. It is best to inquire directly with the Reiki practitioner you are looking to receive the treatment from.
What do I need to do during the Reiki Healing treatment?
  • Generally, it is suggested that you find a quite place where you can lie down comfortably and won't be disturbed for the duration of time you're receiving the treatment. Depending on your level of sensitivity, you may or may not feel or sense anything during this time. At the very least, you may find yourself falling asleep and feeling relaxed, which is normal and perfectly alright. Additionally, I suggest inquiring about this directly with the Reiki practitioner you are looking to receive the treatment from. 
What do you mean by Guided Messages?
  • In most cases, because we are arriving at the level of the spirit, your guides (angels, ascended masters, departed loved ones, spirit animals, etc.) will come to lend a hand to support your healing. And in certain occasions, they may wish to communicate with you or deliver a message to you through a medium. 
  • If you received such communication and wish to share with them or if I received such messages that need to be delivered, then we do it at this part of the session. 
What happens during the Debriefing?
  • As this session may make you feel "floaty" and somewhat disoriented at the end, the Debriefing portion is meant to ground you. This is also the time when you can share and ask about what you experienced during the whole session, as well as addressing any other questions you may have. You will also know when it is advisable to have this service or kind of session again. 
What is the difference between a Past Life Healing (Akashic) & Past Life Reading session? 
  • A Past Life Healing (Akashic) session is intended to ultimately help you heal from past life wounds, break away from any karmic cycle that is burdening your Soul, and dissolve or release any soul contract that is keeping you from moving forward in your Soul's journey.
  • A Past Life Reading session is meant to show you repeating patterns in your previous lives that are affecting your present one. It is meant to provide you with enough relevant information so that you can face these patterns on your own. Click HERE to know more about this service.
  • Depending on your intention, you can schedule either or both sessions for yourself.


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