Past Life Reading (2023)
Do you feel stuck or feel like you're looking for something you can't put a finger on? It's possible that you have past life concerns spilling over to your present one and it's ready and needs to be addressed now. Book a Past Life Reading for help exploring this.

Unlike my other readings, this Past Life Reading has one intention: to relay to you messages from your past lives in order to help you become aware of the repeating patterns that your Soul has been going through so that you can finally face, heal, and release them in your present lifetime. 

This session comes in two parts:
(1) viewing past lives relevant to your present life; and
(2) receiving the message that said past lives have for you. 

We have no control over which of your past lives will "come forward" but you will choose which ones you'd like to focus on in receiving the message.

Each Past Life Reading comes with a complimentary (FREE) pass to one Akashic Sound Meditations session. Non-transferrable and must be used in the next scheduled Akashic Sound Meditations.

Duration: up to 90 minutes (max)
Rate: PHP1750 
MOP: GCash | PayPal | Bank Transfer
Platform: Zoom ONLY
Click HERE to schedule your appointment.


Can I ask questions? If so, how many?
  • You can ask clarificatory questions such as getting more detail in the past life scenery or clarification on the messages received. Questions beyond what the past life showed in the viewing such as "what did I do next?" or "which of the characters am I?" are discouraged as these don't usually add any value to the message or lesson that is being delivered by said past life. If these were relevant, such information will definitely be given through the viewing or messaging.
What if I want to go deeper into the messages so I can have an action plan moving forward?
  • In this case, depending on the intention that you have, then I would suggest having a separate session for this either having a reading or maybe even consider having a Past Life Healing session, especially if your concern is more about releasing and clearing old wounds. The Past Life Healing, compared to Past Life Reading, combines Reiki and Akashic Healing to help you in the healing and releasing process. 
What happens during the viewing phase?
  • This phase is where I intuitively connect with you and invite your past lives. We'll both be in a meditative state but you're not required or expected see, hear, or sense any of your past lives unless you've had a viewing practice before. It's possible but not required so you don't have to worry about this. I've got you. 
What if you don't see any past lives coming forward?
  • While it may be unlikely, this could mean that there are no relevant past lives affecting you presently and whatever issue you have at the moment is borne out of your present life's choices.  
  • In this situation, the second portion of your reading will no longer be about receiving messages but instead, would be converted to a Reading Consultation or Signature Reading to help you address any concerns that initially got you into having the Past Life Reading in the first place. 
  • PS: This is actually a good thing because it means you're not dealing with a karmic cycle. ^_^ 
How do I choose which past lives to focus on in receiving the message?
  • you will intuitively know. You may start with the one that was most impactful or even the one with the least detail. 
How many past lives can I choose to focus on?
  • We limit this to a maximum of 3 past lives depending on how much time left we have. 
  • While discouraged, we can extend for an additional PHP555 (30 minutes) but only if you feel that the you need to get the other messages in.
What if I just want to release and clear karmic cycle or soul contracts and heal from them?
  • If this is what you want after the reading, be sure to use your complementary (FREE) pass to our next Akashic Sound Meditations session. Or you may also want to schedule a Reiki Sound Therapy (ReST) session for in-depth healing and clearing. 
  • If this is what you already intend to do even before the reading, then I recommend having a Past Life Healing, instead as it is a more comprehensive approach to past life related concerns. 
What is the difference between a Past Life Reading & a Past Life Healing session? 
  • A Past Life Reading session is meant to show you repeating patterns in your previous lives that are affecting your present one. It's meant to provide you with enough relevant information so that you can face these patterns on your own.
  • A Past Life Healing combines both Reiki and Akashic Healing energies to ultimately help you heal from past life wounds, break away from any karmic cycle that is burdening your Soul, and dissolve or release any soul contract that is keeping you from moving forward in your Soul's journey. Viewing past lives is not the priority in this session. Click HERE to know more about this service.
  • Depending on your intention, you can schedule either or both sessions for yourself.
When can I have another Past Life Reading?
  • As this reading is meant to give you an understanding of your Soul's repeating patterns relevant to your present lifetime, then the earliest you can have another Past Life Reading is 3 months after the session.
  • However, if you feel that there's been a big shift that has happened (especially if you've been working on said patterns), then you may schedule another Past Life Reading even earlier than 3 months. 


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