Signature Reading
This is a powerful energy reading born from over 3 years of holding energetic spaces and over 6 years of reading the Oracle and Tarot. Get a reading of your present mind-body-spirit energies and with open dialogue with me, receive guidance on how to balance and ground these energies. 

This reading purely makes use of Oracle decks of your choosing. You are not required to have a question or a topic in mind but you can expect an encouraging space to begin a conversation about you and what you need. 

You can ask as many follow up questions as you wish or make the most of our time conversing threshing out your thoughts and releasing unwanted energies. 

Additional card may be drawn throughout the conversation but not to be expected. This is a highly intuitive reading that draws on my skills as a multifaceted and certified intuitive reader, energy healer & practitioner, mindfulness and meditation coach, and passion-purpose-practice coach.
Duration: 60 minutes
Rate: PHP1111 
MOP: GCash | Bank Transfer | PayPal
Platform: Zoom ONLY
Click HERE to schedule your appointment.


How many questions can I ask?
  • You don't need to have a question at the start but I may ask you about your intention/reasons for having this reading with me. 
  • You can ask as many follow-up question as you need after the reading but I would suggest making the most of the reading by asking what's really important to you right now.
What do you mean by Mind-Body-Spirit energies?
  • You are a vibrational being that vibrates at many layers of frequencies. The mind-body-spirit energies are a set of frequencies that cover your mental state (mind), physical state (body), and metaphysical state or what lies in between as well as your connection to Source energy (spirit). Your emotional "energy" is dynamic enough that it mingles with your mind-body-spirit energies so it doesn't have a set space in this reading.
Can we use a Tarot deck for this reading?
  • No. In my practice, Oracle decks are complementary and more supportive of this kind of open dialogue reading. If you absolutely wish to have a reading using a Tarot deck, you may check out my other readings, instead.
What if I don't have any questions after the reading or don't know what to ask?
  • That's fine. It's more than likely that you do have a question or at least expect an answer of some kind and are just having a hard time formulating the question. I can guide you with that. So you don't have to worry about it. I've got you.
When can I have another Signature Reading?
  • You may schedule another reading at least 2 weeks after the reading but the ideal would be to have a Signature Reading every 4 weeks or once every month to see your progress.


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