1 Hour Unlimited (2023)
Can't limit your questions to just one topic? Or maybe you've been putting off having a reading and you just have a list of all the concerns that you have ready to be discussed with your Tarot/Oracle Consultant? 

Then by all means, the 1 Hour Unlimited is for you. This makes use of different spreads and any number of Tarot/Oracle decks that will suit your query. There is no limit to the number of questions and follow-up questions you can ask within this hour. 

Because this is time sensitive, you won't get to choose "which pile" anymore and leave this to your consultant. 
Duration: 60 minutes
Rate: PHP2000
MOP: GCash | PayPal | Bank Transfer
Platform: Zoom Only

Click HERE to schedule your appointment. 

30-minute Unlimited Reading

Does 1 hour feel too long for you? Then may opt for a 30-minute Unlimited reading, instead. Same mechanics, just shorter amount of time. 

Duration: 30 minutes
Rate: PHP1111
MOP: GCash | PayPal | Bank Transfer
Platform: Zoom Only
Click HERE to schedule your appointment. 


How many questions can I ask? 
  • As many as you can fit within that 60 minute timeframe and you are not limited to one particular topic anymore.
Is this the right reading for me?
  • If you have at least 3 questions or topics that are unrelated to each other and you feel like it won't take you a whole hour, then you can choose the 30-minute Unlimited version. 
Does the timer start once we start the meeting?
  • No. We allow for 5-10 minutes leeway to allow for introductions, getting settled, and answering any pre-reading questions you may have. 
Can I ask about the year ahead in the 1 Hour Unlimited?
  • Yes, you can. But if this is the only thing that you are concerned about then I suggest getting a Yearly Outlook reading or the 2-in-1 Reading, instead.  
What if I don't know what to ask?
  • Don't worry, I will help you formulate the questions based on the situations you're inquiring about. We will do this a few minutes before the reading itself and even consolidate similar questions so that your time is better used.
What if I don't want to tell you my question?
  • If it's because the question is very sensitive to you, then you can just tell me an overview or the theme of what you are inquiring about or what your general reason for booking a reading is. 
    • Examples can be "love life", "career", "family", "this project I'm looking into", "money", "a problem with health".
    • Reasons such as "something is bothering me and I need guidance" is also enough of a reason to seek a reading although you may want to check out my Signature Reading instead if you feel that it's more of an energetic disturbance that you need clarity on.
  • If it's because you just don't want to tell me because you want me to be able to guess your question and answer it for you, I'm sorry but you're looking for the wrong Tarot/Oracle Consultant. ^_^ Let's not waste each other's time on this. My mission is help you with what you're going through with the use of Tarot/Oracle and not to entertain you.
What if my question or topic is too broad? What if I ask the wrong question?
  • That is fine. We can work to make it more specific if you want. It's more usual that the cards are able to pick-up your energy and address the more relevant concern that you have. You get the answer that you need and not necessarily the answer that you want.
  • As much as possible though, AVOID asking yes or no questions. They're too limiting and they won't give you the kind of clarity, help, and empowerment that you need. 
When can I have another 1 Hour Unlimited reading?
  • If it is for the same topics or questions, I suggest scheduling at least 2 weeks after the reading. 
  • If it is for different topics or questions altogether, then you can schedule at the next available appointment date.


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