Yearly Outlook (2023)
If you have plans for the next 12 months and would like to have a bird's eye view of it, then this is the reading for you. 

The Yearly Outlook makes use of 12 cards read multiple ways from monthly theme, quarterly theme, and if the cards allow it, a story of how the year may look like. This spread will also give you a sense of the current energy around you, including the challenges and opportunities that are in your horizon. 

A 13th card is drawn to weave all 12 cards together, representing your anchor point for the months.

For readings done via Zoom, you get to ask 3 follow up questions based on the reading. No additional cards will be drawn. 

If you are planning to look deeper into a particular aspect in the Yearly Outlook or hope to have a more in-depth reading prior or after the Yearly Outlook, then go for our best deal and best seller, the 2-in-1 Reading. This would give you a chance to zoom in on certain aspects of the upcoming year. 
Duration: 60 minutes
Rate: PHP1500 
MOP: GCash | PayPal | Bank Transfer
Platform: Zoom | PDF | Audio Recording
Click HERE to schedule your appointment.


How many questions can I ask?
  • The Yearly Outlook gives you a bird's eye view of the next 12 months and does not require a specific topic or question. You may mention a particular theme/topic you'd like to be highlighted such as "love life", "career", "family", etc., in order to guide the reading.
  • If you have a specific concern or topic you wish to inquire about and it's not necessarily dependent on the year ahead, then get Reading Consultation, instead. Better yet, get a 2-in-1 Reading as this combines the bird's eye view of the Yearly Outlook and the in-depth look of the Reading Consultation.
Can I ask follow-up questions if my reading was in PDF or done via audio recording? 
  • No. Follow-up questions are only available for reading done via Zoom as this it's essentially a live reading and the intuitive link to you is still active. If the reading is done in PDF or via audio recording, by the time it's sent to you, the intuitive link will have been closed and it will take an extra amount of energy to reopen the link. 
  • If you feel you absolutely need your follow-up questions answered, the energy exchange for reopening the intuitive link will be 20%. Your follow-up questions must be made within seven (7) days from the time your PDF/audio recording reading was sent to you.
What if my follow-up questions are on a different topic?
  • Then that is not a follow-up question. ^_^ If you feel that you have questions that may be unrelated to the Yearly Outlook, you can have the 2-in-1 Reading, instead as described above or a 1-Hour Unlimited that caters to having multiple questions and topics.
Can I ask to look deeper into some months or themes discussed in the Yearly Outlook? 
  • Definitely yes! But if you are hoping for additional cards to be drawn or to really dig into a concern in the Yearly Outlook, then I recommend getting the 2-in-1 Reading.   
When can I have another Yearly Outlook?
  • As the Yearly Outlook is meant to look at the year ahead, the earliest you can have another one will be after 3 months. The reason is because there will not be much of a change in terms of a theme and sometimes, the monthly themes/messages themselves overlap from month to month depending how you have made your or acted on your choices.
What if I want another Yearly Outlook before the 3 months are up?
  • Until there has been a big change in you circumstance that you feel your whole year will have been changed, then what I recommend is for you to book any of these other services I offer instead: Reading ConsultationSignature Reading, and the Standard Celtic Cross
  • They're a much better complement to your Yearly Outlook and can even give you another dimension to your Yearly Outlook reading.
Can I book a different reading before the 3 months are up?
  • Yes, of course. You can choose any of the ones mentioned above or choose from my services page.


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